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Story about lady of the day

So much paper work to do in Sydney who said you have to look frumpy while doing it. Not Trixxa she makes even doing paper work sexy. That guy in the mail room even remembers her favorite Starbucks flavor as she scurries around getting the permits Kailey and crew will need tonight. While sailing with Kailey along the great Barrier Reef Syuu and Kailey get a chance to get in some diving just for the exhilaration that comes from viewing one of the most majestic natural wonders in existence. Syuu has been an avid fan of marine biology all her life and the chance to dive here has been a lifelong dream. Our Lady of the day Isabelle Lightwood is Kailey’s decoy her job thought out the day on the reef is to distract the other boats and hopefully the poachers with her dazzling surf side couture. One would never guess she has a deathly fear of the water. While busy in her Sydney office Kailey read a memo that was buried in her desk clutter. The memo was marked urgent it was from the Australian Marine Research Institute. Earlier Kailey had requested she be notified when a hatching might be eminent on Mission Beach. There it was Olive Ridley Turtles would be hatching that evening and there was a very good chance there would be poachers around. Watching these turtles hatch and being there to help them to the safety of the sea is an awesome feeling she happily shares with her sisters.

In a day for taking things easy Mmm1 is NOT. She is Captain of the WA beach Volleyball team. Her theme is PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. The crowd of drooling guys she attracts every time she holds a practice session probable has nothing to do with the motivation to look hot while practicing. With WA as her sponsor Montserrat is in a tournament today. She has been invited to the Banzai Pipeline to compete in the Woman’s Invitational Surfing World Finals. It is our hope that the steady stream of assignments she has been on, along with the recent lack of opportunities to practice impede her chances. Then again, the lack of a tan may be a good psychological weapon. There is this little spot on an atoll in the Solomon’s that Twinky came across while she was a field agent. She fell in love with it a pristine area of crystal waters, pools and falls. She goes there with friends whenever she gets a chance just for the therapeutic effects of the pure waters. My doesn’t she look serene. Beach combing is fun or at least that’s what Angela316 tells us as she wanders around the beach of Twinky’s atoll. I doubt she will find many shells that will out shine herself. The hat is a nice touch the sun can be brutal in the south pacific.

As she was preparing to have a day of sailing off the dover coast, Gazill received a call. She hastily changed her clothes for she had thirty-five minutes to make Heathrow airport to catch a flight to DC. The call came from the President of the USA he has a request of the WA this is what has our Gazill rushing off to the White House. My she looks very down to business. It is indeed a strange day for the first time in a long time we find Belle Star out with JUST ONE GUY. Judging by the flowers he wants to impress her (the twinkle in her eyes indicates it’s working). As I understand it they are going to his mother’s 6th wedding, that’s an interesting first date (we can only hope this guy has a contingency plan for the evening because a geriatric matrimonial celebration in a nursing home just doesn’t pop my cork). Sigh at least she will be the best dressed corpse in the gallery. If you ask Konstancia what her favorite job in all the world is her answer would be, helping my guy spend his money. As it is she is going to do just that she heard about a massive designer sale in the Big Apple. All it took was a short three-hour phone call to Lika, and the plans were made. Most of us could retire off the money these three gals are going to spend today. Lika is in a mood today. If you look very closely you can see she is wearing her shopping bracelet. The last time she wore that she maxed out four of her man’s credit cards, it took her two hours to model her booty (when she got to the intimae things he suddenly stopped complaining). I fear he will not fare any better this trip. After receiving an invitation from Lika Butterfly has dressed in her “I am ready to shop till I drop dead gorgeous look). Lika and Konstancia will be clothes shopping but we are not sure what Butterfly is shopping for???? Patske’s favorite tall dark and handsome drink ask her if she wanted to go the watering hole with him. (she thought he meant his preferred local drinking establishment (for which she is in killer form) WRONG). She failed to take into consideration his profession. When a big game guide takes you to a watering hole it is a WATERING HOLE. She is going to look cute as a lion cub after a quick dip with the Hippo’s. Working with Green Peace Adaire is free swimming off Monterrey checking tagged whales. She has had opportunity to interact a mother and her newborn calf. We can only envy her moving experience. Also, working with Green Peace although her task is not so glamourous Sherril is rocking to a different beat as she rolls around aboard a ship somewhere in the Bering Strait. A little green in her complexion but her style is cute for a ship board romance (in between barfing overboard). They are documenting whale migration routes. Poor girl sure hope she gets sea legs soon. In Cordoba Argentina Sandy Calle is preparing to venture to Iguazu Falls. While looking very local, her job is to investigate the discovery of a hitherto undiscovered Primate and start proceedings to protect it.

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